Sowing the Seeds of Faith: Living Out The Parable of the Sower
How can followers of Jesus apply the lessons of this in-depth parable to a variety of different situations in the modern world?
How can followers of Jesus apply the lessons of this in-depth parable to a variety of different situations in the modern world?
The Parable of the Mustard Seed is a well-known teaching attributed to Jesus Christ in the Christian Bible. This simple yet powerful story has been passed down through generations as a lesson in faith, growth, and manifestation.
Why did Jesus rely on parables so much in his ministry? The good news is that Jesus explained exactly why he did this so often. His lesson can help us communicate more effectively to our audiences today.
The parable of the “Hidden Treasure” has long been considered a somewhat simple verse with little dimension to it. You might be pleasantly surprised to learn the hidden meanings under girding this “simple” story.
The parable of the Good Samaritan makes a wonderful, warm little story. The lesson is far more shocking than we ever knew. Get the real story here.
St. Paul had helped found and nurture most of the Christian churches in Galatia. When he discovered Jewish officials came behind him to pervert the religion of Christ, he was furious.
This may be the single most consequential discourse delivered by the Lord, Jesus Christ. This sermon doesn’t tell us how to act or not; it tells us how to actually become a person who walks with the Lord every day.